刘丽娜,女 , 1983年1月生,江苏常州人,工学博士,副教授,工程师。主要研究方向:“高分子复合材料”,“纳米材料的改型与功能化”,“高性能工程塑料”,“耐高温耐光老化胶黏剂”,“纳米复合高分子材料”。近年来在多个国际杂志发表论文,主要如下:
1. Liu, L., A. Gu, et al.. "The effects of the variations of carbon nanotubes on the micro-tribological behavior of carbon nanotubes/bismaleimide nanocomposite." Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 38(9): 1957-1964.
2. Fang, Z., L. Liu, et al. "Improved microhardness and microtribological properties of bismaleimide nanocomposites obtained by enhancing interfacial interaction through carbon nanotube functionalization." Polymers for Advanced Technologies 20(11): 849-856.
3. Liu, L., Z. Fang, et al. "Aminofunctionalization effect on the microtribological behavior of carbon nanotube/bismaleimide nanocomposites." Journal of Applied Polymer Science 113(6): 3484-3491.
4. Liu, L., Z. Fang, et al. "Lubrication Effect of the Paraffin Oil Filled with Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Bismaleimide Resin." Tribology Letters 42(1): 59-65.
5. Liu, L., Z. Fang, et al. "Improving tribological properties of bismaleimide nanocomposite filled with carbon nanotubes treated by atmospheric pressure filamentary dielectric barrier discharge." Composites Part B: Engineering 42(8): 2117-2122.